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Project information

Implementation and monitoring of the recovery and resilience plan for the green transition

P. Rodilla P. Linares C. Batlle R. Cossent P. Mastropietro D.M. Navarrete Cruz

December 2021 - February 2023

Funding entity Trinomics B.V

Participated by Trinomics

In the context of the RRP implementation, Spain requested support in particular for the regulatory framework for energy storage and renewable energy. While Spain’s plans are ambitious with regard to renewable energy, aiming for climate neutrality by 2050, their current regulation fails to provide the necessary framework to support large-scale RES, storage and hydrogen deployment. Overall, there is a need to provide clear (price) signals to the market players, and in particular to renewables, energy storage and renewable hydrogen.

Layman's summary: Implementation and monitoring of the recovery and resilience plan for the green transition
